Cookies policy

This website uses cookies in order to provide a better service and provide the user with a better browsing experience.

Cookies are small text files in which browsers store information during visits to the web page. Cookies can collect data such as the IP address, the address being visited, the operating system, the language of navigation, among others. This information is not associated with any particular person, but is only statistical information to analyze the visibility of different contents of the website.

Here we provide information on what cookies this website uses, as well as how to control its management and how to completely delete them:

Cookies used by this website:

Technical cookies: These are the cookies that a website needs to function.

Analysis cookies: These are the ones that collect information about how the user browses our website, the browser model that the user has, the time the user has been browsing, etc.

Session cookies: They are stored temporarily and disappear when the user closes the browser.

How to manage cookies in your browser:

To allow, know, block or delete the cookies installed you can do so by configuring the browser options installed on your computer:

Firefox: sites-we


Explorer: in-internet-explorer-9



The information shown here for the configuration of the cookies is for the existing versions at the time of the preparation of this documentation. The instructions may differ in future versions of browsers. In this case, please consult the corresponding support section of the developer company.

Gestora de Runes de la Construcció, S.A.
Tel: 93 414 74 88 – 93 202 16 26

C Nàpols, 222-224, bx
08013 Barcelona