Restoration of La Vallensana quarry (Badalona)
Landscape restoration work has been under way since 2001 at La Vallensana quarry, Badalona, involving laying down soil and rubble. All this material is used as fill to reclaim the area of the municipality affected by stone quarrying, turning it into a replanted area, reclaimed as an urban park for the town, fitting seamlessly into the Parc de la Serralada de Marina and its surroundings.
With a capacity of nearly 5 million cubic metres, it serves builders in the Barcelona metropolitan area and the region around it, as a strategic, well-connected place for strategic disposal of surplus soil and rubble from construction and demolition. This activity has served in recent years to progress with landscape restoration to mitigate the severe environmental and visual impact on a spot that was highly deteriorated.
In fact, GRC has made projects like the reclamation of La Vallensana quarry (Badalona) one of its lines of work, re-using waste as a raw material to regenerate deteriorated sites and improve the natural surroundings.